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Welcome to, an information resource page specific to instruction for taking advantage of the 'link' HTML tag to identify to visitors your HTML website page. This is a finishing touch necessary to all public websites.

Link Rel

The Link Rel HTML tag is not an actual meta tag at all, but it is essentially dealing with arbitrary identity meta information that is unique to your website. After all, as long as we are discussing how to use meta tags to enhance a website, a website shortcut icon does assist a user relocate your web page when they have too many tabs open in their browser and want to get back to it by using your shortcut "favicon" icon to identify it.

There are multiple ways to do this, and this HTML tag has many other useful applications, but all I am providing here is the simplest instruction for using the Link Rel HTML tag to show your company or personal website icon.

The Link Tag

The link tag can be used to link other documents to the current page:

Link Rel Tag Format:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

With the supported 16x16 icon image, this tag adds a professional finishing touch to any web address.

Link Tag Format:

<link rel="resource type - the relationship" href="/path/to/resource.file" />

By using it, you can help brand your website with a shortcut icon, also what is referred to as a 'favicon', for 'favorites icon'.

Of course, you need an icon that reflects the image you want to project, and business logos do not necessarily reduce down well to the tiny 16 x 16 square block of pixels that a standard favicon image is confined to, so you may want to think about the image you use, even try a few different ones through a site such as You can also consult with a graphic designer.


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